New Release: Christian Creeds & Confessions!
(Keep scrolling for a peek inside these books!)
Christian Creeds & Confessions: Presbyterian & Reformed Edition
This volume contains:
The Apostles' Creed,
The Nicene Creed,
The Chalcedonian Creed,
The Athanasian Creed,
The Thirty-Nine Articles,
The Second Helvetic Confession
The Belgic Confession,
The Heidelberg Catechism,
The Canons of Dort,
The Westminster Confession of Faith,
The Larger Catechism,
The Shorter Catechism.
Christian Creeds & Confessions: Particular Baptist Edition
This volume contains:
The Apostles' Creed,
The Nicene Creed,
The Chalcedonian Creed,
The Athanasian Creed,
The First London Baptist Confession (1644),
The First London Baptist Confession (1646),
The Second London Baptist Confession,
An Orthodox Catechism,
The Baptist Catechism.
If you’re interested in purchasing copies for either yourself, a store, a church, or school, please reach out to me and I can offer bulk sales discounts.
About 5 years ago, while I was in seminary, I kept a copy of the Westminster Standards and the Three Forms of Unity on hand to reference if I had a question about something that came up in class. But, I was beginning to become frustrated by the number of books I had to carry with me.
To solve this, I decided to compile a collection of the important creeds and confessions in my (Reformed) tradition so that I could keep it with me without taking up so much space in my bag. As I began this work, I shared the idea with a few friends who expressed interest in also having a copy. So, after months of editing (and re-editing (and correcting typos (and re-re-editing))) I released the original Reformed Creeds & Confessions book.
After finishing seminary I continued to use the book not only for study, but also for personal devotion and as a part of family worship. I’ve found it an invaluable tool for my own personal spiritual growth, and have heard from many who purchased it that they also have benefitted from it.
The book sold well, and I began to hear from brothers in other theological traditions who expressed interest in having something similar for their own confessional documents. As a result, last year I began working on a Particular Baptist edition of the (now-titled) Christian Creeds & Confessions series.
As I began that work it became clear that with this new volume there were significant enough improvements that I would need to release a second edition of the Presbyterian & Reformed edition.
Today, I’m pleased to announce that the work has finally been completed and both the Presbyterian & Reformed, and Particular Baptist editions of the Christian Creeds & Confessions series are available to purchase!
What can you expect from these books?
Many hours of labor have gone into preparing an aesthetically appealing presentation of the historic creeds of the church as well as the confessional documents that make up the Particular Baptist and Reformed traditions.
Each document begins with a short paragraph about the origin of the creed or confession, a summary of its contents, and a list of recommended reading resources for those interested in learning more.
The documents themselves are presented in a modern style, but, with as few editorial changes to the content as possible. A few antiquated spellings have been modernized, but in general older, original forms are preferred when used. (for example: “thence” instead of “from there”, “loveth” instead of “loves”)
For those who have already purchased the first edition of the Reformed Creeds & Confessions book, aside from addressing a few minor typos, and adding the introduction section to each creed and confession, the second edition also now includes the Second Helvetic Confession in the collection.
I hope you’ll find these books as helpful as I have - and if you do, please leave a review on Amazon and tell someone else about them!